online childcare training states States online childcare courses States childcare training courses States childcare training courses online
Therefore, welcome to your online childcare training states. Most importantly our hope is that the online childcare training states page will be helpful for you as you find out about our courses for your state. And new resources are added every month and you are free to print and use them however they will best benefit you and the children in your care.
Therefore, our online childcare training states page includes early childhood education courses that are accepted in eac state. Consequently we include ideas for teachers. Most importantly early childcare is our focus and we want to help teachers as they teach small children. Because in the future we will be adding many new tools that you can use in your classes too. Therefore, we hope that they can be used in combination with the material we present in our courses and the teacher resources are free.
Besides that our online childcare training states page also includes contact information for the pertinent agencies in each state. And we believe that you are performing a vital service to the children that you teach and we want to equip you with tools and ideas that will empower you as you influence the children in you care in significant ways.
Therefore, our current courses are on the following topics. Art and writing, thinking creatively outside the box. Blocks math and manipulatives, building and learning. Challenging behaviors, What needs to change and how to effect change? Dramatic play, it is more than a home center. Learning through movement, gross and fine motor skills. Music and movement, with a bonus section on how to make your own instruments. Science and sensory, with a bonus section about cooking with kids.